lord of the rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

actor celeb funny Hall of Fame Image Lord of the Rings orlando bloom - 5560707072

A Fate Worse Than Death

doctor who funny gandalf holiday Image Lord of the Rings Pokémon pop culture SpongeBob SquarePants star wars - 5563900672

Pop Culture Christmas Tree

elijah wood funny Hall of Fame Image Lord of the Rings Movie sean astin - 5558539520

The Homework Is Done, But At What Cost?

basketball Image Lord of the Rings sports - 5400077568

One Does Not Simply Dribble Into Mordor

Hall of Fame Image Lord of the Rings mordor nicolas cage photoshopped wtf - 5336571904

He Is Our Last Hope

actor celeb demotivational funny Hall of Fame Image Lord of the Rings tobey maguire - 5284464640


elijah wood funny Image Lord of the Rings Movie shoop voting-page - 5283319296

I'm A Beautiful Butterfly!

funny Harry Potter Image jk rowling Lord of the Rings sci fi voting-page - 5255412480

You Almost Got Away With It...

funny Image Lord of the Rings Movie Music sci fi shoop the Beatles - 5238521600

Sir Lord Of The Ringo

funny gifs Image Lord of the Rings Movie sci fi voting-page - 5251718656

OMG So Sour!!!

actor celeb demotivational funny Image Lord of the Rings Movie sci fi sean astin - 4397015808


actor celeb funny ian mckellen Image Lord of the Rings Movie orlando bloom sci fi - 5221586176

Thank You Young Lady

Daniel Radcliffe emma watson funny Gary Oldman Hall of Fame Harry Potter Image Lord of the Rings Movie sci fi shoop - 5216853248

The Fellowship Of The Wand

funny Image Lord of the Rings sci fi star wars wtf - 5074592256

Get Out Of There, Stormtrooper! You Don't Belong In Middle Earth!

celeb funny Image Lord of the Rings sci fi snooki TLL voting-page - 5076748032

The Resemblance Is Uncanny...

funny Image Lord of the Rings sci fi shoop voting-page - 5024177920

It's Mordorlogic
