Pop Culture

Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

Family Ties

actor celeb cookies Image legolas Lord of the Rings - 6413156864
Created by PrincessWordplay

Shall I Summon The Eagles?

actor celeb funny ian mckellen Image Lord of the Rings Movie orlando bloom viggo mortensen - 6408280576
See all captions Created by mamawalker

Paid for By the Committee for a Safer Middle Earth

crime From the Movies Image Lord of the Rings mordor - 6378612736
Created by Chewie007
evil Frodo Baggins gandalf Lord of the Rings mordor propaganda recut saruman sauron Video - 38757889

Lord of the Rings - Mordor Recruitment Video

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"The Hobbit": A Total "Lord of the Rings" Ripoff

funny Hall of Fame Image Lord of the Rings meme Movie nic cage The Hobbit - 6277032448
Via We Rule The Night

Valor and Beauty

actor celeb funny Image Lord of the Rings Movie orlando bloom - 6249657600
Created by kittyrefuge


actor billy boyd celeb demotivational funny Image Lord of the Rings orlando bloom - 6160615936
See all captions Created by Wiluthen

I'm Too Pretty For This

actor celeb funny Hall of Fame Image Lord of the Rings Movie orlando bloom - 6162629632
See all captions Created by cca

Never Let a Rohan B*tch Throw You Shade

funny gifs Image Lord of the Rings Movie - 6066736128
Via Make Me Laugh Blog

Yo, Middle Earth... Are You Ready to ROCK?!

funny Image legolas Lord of the Rings orlando bloom - 5975949312
Via legolasdoesthings

Not Quite... But Almost

actor celeb funny Image Johnny Depp Lord of the Rings Movie Pirates of the Caribbean shoop - 5890230528
See all captions Created by lmiller9041

This Year's New Zealand Representative

academy awards Bret McKenzie Image Lord of the Rings oscars winners - 5899418112


funny gifs Image Lord of the Rings meme viggo mortensen yolo - 5844712192
Via coolerthan.me

Sudden Realization Legolas

actor celeb funny gifs Hall of Fame Image Lord of the Rings orlando bloom - 5783632384

Middle Earth's Most Interesting Hobbit

actor celeb funny Hall of Fame Image Lord of the Rings - 5649177600
See all captions Created by Sephraem
awesome cool Hall of Fame Lord of the Rings Martin Freeman Movie peter jackson trailers Video - 31076097

First Look: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

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