lord of the rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

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And This One Isn't Him

actor celeb funny Image Lord of the Rings orlando bloom sci fi - 4655292928

One Dork To Rule Them All...

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Typically Found Partying At The Jersey Shire

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funny Hall of Fame Image Lord of the Rings panel sci fi voting-page - 4631376640

LOL! What Now BRO?!?!

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A Wizard is Never Late...

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One Does Not Simply Pickle The Beast!

actor celeb director funny Hall of Fame Image Lord of the Rings peter jackson sci fi - 4516518656

Son, I Am Disappoint...

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I Can't Have Sauron Seeing Me Without Looking My Best

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Viggo Kissed Me, And By God I Saw Stars!

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You Don't Have To Be Strong To Have Strength

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Hipster Aragorn

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Matchstick Minas Tirith: Daaamn!

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Pogo Mix: Murmurs Of Middle-Earth

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Hipster Hobbits

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Gimli: Always A Good Sport
