Pop Culture


Amigurumi Jack

Amigurumi jack skellington Plush yarn categoryimage - 6630445568
Created by lizduttons ( Via Amigurumi Barmy )


kids crowd scream excited singing categoryimage - 6620907520
See all captions Created by KShawAllkrazee

Roscoe, NO!!!

dogs eat categoryimage - 6636409856

Tony Stark's New Groove

funny Movie disney The Avengers Thor loki categoryimage categoryvoting-page - 6652654592
Via Ginger Haze

Josh Hutcherson's Second Grade Class Photo

funny actor celeb josh hutcherson yearbook Photo categoryimage - 6652428288
Via Imagine Something New

Raiders of the Lost Ark in one Gif

raiders of the lost ark Indiana Jones animation categoryimage categoryvoting-page - 6643268608

Nicolas Cage Movie Plot Generator

funny actor celeb nic cage nicolas cage categoryimage - 6652389632

Quick Switch

gifs breaking bad change Movies and TV categoryimage - 6609835264
Created by tamaleknight


kristen stewart twilight categoryimage - 4568359680
See all captions

This chick Totally Looks Like Channing Tatum

actor celeb channing tatum funny TLL categoryimage - 6635643392

Back in my day, if you had a headache you had to walk 5 miles to get Rosemary and by the time you got there the headache was gone

categoryimage - 6601478656
See all captions Created by Spike_Lee

The Final One is Actually Obama

Mitt Romney debate Harry Potter mistake categoryimage - 6643371776

Bilbo Baggins Cufflinks

hobbit categoryimage - 6621860608
Via Geek Alerts

Don't come in here with that look. I know where you've been. Fantasy football at Dave's house again! I smell the buffalo wings!

angry marriage fight categoryimage - 6599865600
See all captions Created by kma_club

Kings of Leon Bassist Married

band categoryimage - 6629570304
Via Celebrity Wedding Buzz

Franois Cluzet Totally Looks Like Dustin Hoffman

actor celeb Dustin Hoffman funny TLL categoryimage - 6635290112
Created by lillebusy