Pop Culture


He Has a Type

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Via melantha91

No Excuses!

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Via katematlin

Dogs Are Like Having Babies That Can't Talk

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Via theberry

Food Baby

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Via ecce-ecchi

Baby, Parasite...Same Difference

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Via Google

A Born Ladies' Man

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Via ramenjesus

The Early Years

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See all captions Created by MissKittyD

Come On, Leo...Don't be a Baby About it

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Via Sofa Pizza
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Does Your Baby Look Like Rob Ford?

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Totally Hit the Bullseye!

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When Life Hands You Lemons...

Fun - My son has Plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome) and needed a corrective helmet. Instead of people feeling sorry for him, I wanted peoples positive around him...
Via wspiercy


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Created by anselmbe

Kanye still doesnt get it

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Created by cdotstrife ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

How Adaveable!

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This Baby Totally Looks Like Gollum

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Children and Their Imaginations

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